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4/17/2023 09:26:00 AM
> I want to eat whatever cereal I want. Not have my neighbor vote on what cereal I eat. If you think this is what economic democracy means then you definitely aren't familiar with the concepts. You actually can't eat any cereal you want if you take a moment to think about it. Right now, you are only able to eat cereals that have been chosen to be created by private business owners and corporations. ED fixes this in two ways. 1) public direction of investment in new products, meaning you are able to vote for increased investment in new cereal brands. And 2) lowering the barrier to entry of new enterprises because worker ownership's capital scaling makes monopoly less likely. The cereal example is particularly illuminating because capitalism's inherent tendency towards concentration has made it so only [10 companies are in control of our choices there](https://www.good.is/Business/food-brands-owners-rp). And I'm referring to [real median wage](https://aneconomicsense.org/2015/02/13/why-wages-have-stagnated-while-gdp-has-grown-the-proximate-factors/) which accounts for changes in purchasing power.