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1/30/2023 12:51:00 AM
Wow, you got ' em on this tiny detail. The point stands that the US was not at all interested in doing the right thing and fighting the Nazis. Remember a lot of the US was German at that point, and up until 1939 there were still mass demonstrations in favor of Hitler and trying to get us to side with him https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/american-nazism-and-madison-square-garden And as I learned on a recent podcast, there were even 20 members of the House who were in collusion with a Nazi agent to keep us out of the war. https://www.npr.org/2022/12/15/1143078657/rachel-maddow-uncovers-a-wwii-era-plot-against-america-in-ultra The lesson to learn from this is that the US is not infallible, and that more often than not we act (or fail to act) out of ignorance, spite, and greed more than nobility. Breaking down these heroic myths can help us realize the darker parts of the American psyche that we know are still alive and well today. The issues that kept us from acknowledging that fascism was evil in 1940 haven't been addressed partially because our collective narrative suggests we always know how to respond to it when that has been shown to be frankly untrue.