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5/10/2022 12:26:00 PM
But renting a car would be _way_ less expensive if take into account all the infrastructure we've needed to create just so everyone can have a car that sits unused 99% of the time. Parking takes up 1/3rd of land use in [American cities ](https://www.fastcompany.com/90645900/america-has-eight-parking-spaces-for-every-car-heres-how-cities-are-rethinking-that-land). Imagine if 1/3rd of our cities were parks and nature preserves for hiking, camping, and mtb biking instead. And we just had a few lots on the outskirts where you rented a car on the weekends when you wanted to. There really were so many choices but we got bamboozled by the car companies into paving over everything.