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5/08/2022 09:15:00 AM
Hi, I don't want to offend, just to help inform. I'm very impressed you are growing crops with carbon sequestering techniques. I just wanted to point out that those do not in any circumstances cancel the GHG emissions from the animals themselves. I can throw more references at you if you need. This study showed that the sequestration can reduce net emissions significantly (though not to 0), but it takes more land per calorie of beef, so you end up running into the problem of deforestation. https://civileats.com/2021/01/06/a-new-study-on-regenerative-grazing-complicates-climate-optimism/ In other words, as far as beef is concerned we just simply have to cut consumption to get within the ecological bounds of the planet. Not to 0 necessarily, but certainly a lot.