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5/09/2022 10:08:00 AM
When I was getting my PhD, I also thought the government was less efficient than the private sector and railed against the government constantly. Then I worked in the private sector for 6 years and realized companies are actually much less efficient inside than they let on and in most cases the only ways they make up for that is how little they pay people at the bottom, and how they are given much more leeway to off-load negative externalities (Walmart employees on food-stamps, tiny fines on massively costly pollution, etc). Capitalism centers the profit motive and that's what leads to these problems. Think about it this way: are you most motivated by money or are you more motivated by accomplishing your beneficial project and as long as you're comfortable the profit is secondary? Capitalism dictates that those who aim to make the most money get their projects funded more frequently, and that's the root of the trouble. There are better systems out there: https://youtu.be/bvTPzZb4KBo