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4/24/2022 08:15:00 PM
Capitalism is built on the presumption of growth across an economy. This is because investments are meant to ensure increased returns in the future. Now there have always been 2 sources of this growth. One was technological advancement in automation that allowed more to be done with less. That's the good kind of growth that gets all the attention. But ever since it's beginning capitalism has found a second form of growth. That is taking profit from others who exist outside the system of capitalism or from those inside wit very little power. That was a big part of how colonialism and then globalization allowed capitalist economies to expand so much over the last several hundred years. But even that expansion can only continue until there is no one "outside" capitalism to exploit. And now that our economy is operating at approximately scale of the entire energy and natural resource budget of planet, further expansion means that everything I get must be taken from someone else on the planet. Now if you're comparing that to a "natural system," you're talking about cancer or a species that overhunts and drives itself extinct. The next logical evolution of this system, IMHO, is some form of equitable agreement not to overcomsume, which is why solarpunk is going to need to move past capitalism.