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3/24/2022 12:25:00 PM
It proves nothing of the sort. The early lockdowns in 2020 dropped US CO2 emissions by 20% [1], which is right in line with removing nearly 2/3rds of the transportation sector's carbon emissions. But during that same time, China's CO2 emissions were increasing, as they didn't have the same long-term widespread WFH. And they started producing more goods[2] to meet increased demand from the people staying home. In the end, it was __us__ through increased demand that caused this. It's comforting to blame it on someone else, but it's our collective decisions making this happen. [source1](https://www.iea.org/articles/global-energy-review-co2-emissions-in-2020) [source2](https://www.statista.com/statistics/232771/industrial-production-change-in-china-compared-to-same-month-previous-year/)