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3/20/2022 02:51:00 PM
I'd almost agree with you, except that things like deforestation and pollution do have serious consequences for human health, probably even your own. In fact, even the depression you are suffering from has been linked to [lack of greenspace](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/145305/green-space-is-good-for-mental-health?src=eoa-iotd#:~:text=The%20scientists%20found%20that%20citizens,the%20National%20Academy%20of%20Sciences%20.) and [air pollution ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2019/dec/18/depression-and-suicide-linked-to-air-pollution-in-new-global-study). For me, it comes down to fairness. The replenishment of resources in earth takes a certain amount of time, and if we degrade them now, then future generations have less access. We can already feel certain things running out in certain places today, like water shortages. But by being just a little bit environmentally responsible we can make life better today and tomorrow for more and more people.