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3/30/2022 07:34:00 AM
Wow, this really got me thinking. Basically, I looked at this example you gave and I thought about the exact opposite where the co-op exploits you. Imagine you invested your money in this co-op, then they bought a bunch of robots, automated their work, and started pocketing a bunch of money without having to work. Then they gave you back less than you gave them. Clearly that would be exploiting you and your good will. So the key to avoiding exploitation is really to keep the exchange fair and agree on the terms ahead of time. Maybe answering these questions could help: How much work did it take you to make that money? How much money will it make them? Are they desperate for investment to the point where they are willing to take a bad deal? If you can sort through these things then a modest return that keeps your investment at breakeven with inflation sounds fair to me.