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12/24/2021 11:37:00 AM
I am trying to unite us. But the attitude of this sub has changed to everybody should try to get as much out of this system as possible. I meant that the existence of bullshit jobs is what leads to the continuance of exploitation of workers. This is going to implode into the exact same divisions eventually, unless we can help the workers exploiting this system accept that they would be getting less in a just system. Otherwise the second we try to make a change, the people who are unwittingly exploiting are gonna get upset. I just can't accept that a project leader setting up bullshit meetings to protect a salary that is 10x the median income is a victim of this system. "They need money to live," yes but they've made countless decisions to take more money than they need to live. And they take it on the backs of those below them. We aren't going to fix this if those people keep their seat inside the empire. PS I'm aware of all those different kinds of BS jobs. I was focusing on the taskmaster job, but in any of them, if someone is aware that they are collecting more than they create they're doing something wrong and need to think about how to fix it.