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9/12/2021 11:45:00 PM
But if you read what you've written even that definition disagrees with what you said! Your quote: > The economy and the exchange and distribution of goods _is done by_ the community vs the definition: > ... _owned or regulated_ by the community as a whole That is the whole difference that we were discussing, socialism is about the community _owning and regulating_ the economy. And in the case of democratic socialism specifically, _equally_ owning the economy through democratic processes. The manner in which the economy is run is then determined by the owners (public or capitalist), and the methods are up to the owner to decide. Under socialism, the public can choose to manage their economy though a market (market socialism) or a complex technocratic AI or through a central planning bureaucracy but the decision belongs to society. Under capitalism, the influence on how to manage the economy, is determined in proportion to each person's investment capital. That's the point of the name: capitalism. The ideology is named capitalism not marketism because it's defining feature is not actually the existence of the market.