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8/28/2021 12:10:00 PM
Take this devotion to private property to it's logical conclusion. What if a small group of people managed to accrue wealth to become the owners of nearly all the natural resources on earth? That group could set the conditions of everyone else's survival, decide who lives and dies. Should the masses not be allowed to justly violate these laws of private property? Now follow our modern economy backwards. Where did all of this ownership originate? How did a communally owned forest become the property of the logging company, the river to be fished by only its owner, ? The origin of these things were social negotiations, the terms of which were set up to solve the problem of society's division of resources, and you can't leave out that these rules were and still are negotiated under force. To worship capitalism this way and to misconstrue it as freedom is to worship a specific social contract devised by those with wealth to justify wage labor and cooptation of communal resources. The socialist movement can be interpreted as a recognition that at their root these are social systems and they should always be open to renegotiation by society at large. The challenge is still to find the best way to manage these negotiations, but religious devotion to a specific form of economy (capitalist) seems like a backwards and un-innovative way to look at the world.