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2/12/2021 10:45:00 AM
First, as to the argument of whether coercion is acceptable under capitalism, I ask you to consider what mechanism exists to return stolen goods. From everything I've ever seen on this topic, if property rights are violated there must be a mechanism to return stolen property by coercion. (To me assuming anything else would be as utopian as communists thinking the economy will just work without incentive but I'd be happy to see another approach I haven't thought of) This coercion can come from state or private enterprise depending on the specific flavor of capitalism employed. Second, your point here: >decision making in a capitalist society for production is ultimately done by the consumers, capitalists just try to provide what the most people want the most for the cheapest price. is an assumption and is not necessarily borne out in practice. Capitalism itself doesn't necessitate this in any way, and this is part of its core problem. There are many avenues to returning on investment other than optimizing consumer demands. Capitalism itself makes no distinction. Finally, you are right that I overreached in proposing my own definition as what the community's tagline should be. However, I wanted to state emphatically that it should not unnecessarily conflate free markets and capitalism itself.