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2/12/2021 10:27:00 PM
lol, yeah, your thought experiment was pretty clear to me. i feel like the people on here must be willfully ignoring the point. This subreddit meets the old adage "It is difficult to get someone to understand a simple fact when their salary depends upon not understanding it." Also one other thing is that your example of $50 mil vs $100k is not at all outlandish like others are saying above. It's [widely known](https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2119052/three-richest-people-us-own-much-wealth-bottom-half) that the 3 richest people in the US have as much wealth as 50% of the country. Clearly the market shouldn't prioritize 3 peoples opinions to the same level as 160 million.